
La Caravane Sans Frontières provides support to vulnerable and precarious people in the form of donations of basic necessities, emergency accommodation, advice and social support.

La Caravane Sans Frontières (CSF)

is a non-profit association under private law, formed by a committee composed of the founding members and supported by volunteers.

Founded in 2020, as a continuation of the action Saturdays for All, the CSF provides support to people in emergency situations and in situations of great economic and social precariousness.

The measures taken to contain the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic in Geneva caused a significant increase in requests for social assistance, food aid and emergency shelter from people in precarious situations.

In this context of health crisis, the members of the CSF are witnessing the dramatic situation experienced by a growing number of particularly vulnerable people. Having lost their jobs and income, often without the possibility of compensation, they are particularly destitute.

In addition, the loss of employment often results in the non-renewal of the residence permit. The loss of legal status has many consequences, often dramatic, especially for families: loss of social benefits, suspension of vocational training (apprenticeship).

The actions initiated by the CSF support aid institutions in Geneva that are currently overwhelmed by the influx of requests for social assistance.

The action of the CSF is articulated according to a double approach in collaboration with the Geneva institutions.

Emergency assistance and relay

Emergency social orientation (health, housing, legal advice) in consultation with the organizations involved in the field.

Search for housing and emergency accommodation for people who are homeless and in very precarious situations.

Collection of food, clothing, equipment and hygiene products and redistribution to those in need.

Support and accompaniment of migrants, without legal status and/or without papers, who find themselves in a situation of great urgency, by asserting, if necessary, their rights with the social welfare services or by offering them help to return home.

Sensitizing and mobilizing the public to the problems of people in very precarious situations in order to develop a network of citizen solidarity.

Integration support

Setting up French courses for adults in collaboration with other institutions (e.g. churches).

Creation of homework support groups for youth.

Follow-up of the regularization procedure of families and accompaniment of young people in apprenticeship or training to avoid interruptions and ensure continuity in their curriculum.

Shares initiated (August 2020-March 2021)

Setting up French courses for 52 students in compliance with COVID-19 health standards.

Organization of a “Vestiaire pour tous”action, in partnership with the Dream Team, a collective of active associations to collect and redistribute clothing for people in precarious situations.

Participation in the action Un Sourire à Noël, to collect and distribute toys and sweets for about 500 families in Geneva.

Launch of the Roof without you collection in the context of the closure of the emergency shelter at the Vernets Barracks and in collaboration with the Pastorale des Milieux ouverts – Pôle solidarités Genève and the Catholic Church of Geneva.

Collection of winter belongings and equipment to survive outdoors at night and targeted redistribution through the organization of a marauding system starting at the end of October.

Caring for homeless people and people in highly vulnerable situations (women, the elderly, sick people and families) and seeking emergency accommodation solutions as well as long-term solutions.

Setting up an emergency accommodation structure (sleep-in) with the support of the Protestant Church of La Servette and the City of Geneva. Managed by a team of experienced professionals and volunteers, this scheme, which was initially intended to be temporary, is now seeking to become permanent in order to support organizations active in the field.